Friday, March 26, 2021


 I always hate learning something new about myself

    Yesterday my hearing doctor told me I had lost a little hearing since our last visit in 2018.  Not a major loss, but a loss.

    She said that was just a part of aging and I probably would not go deaf before I die.

    I had noticed in the last few months that even with hearing aids I was losing bits of conversation.  Now my aids have been adjusted and there should be some improvement.

    But if you are around me, you might want to say my name or get my attention before you ask or say anthing important.

    For instance, if an elephant is about to step on me you may want to speak up.  If I am about to stop on an ant, a whisper would be ok.  (In grade school I wrote about my Aunt Betty.  But I was not always aware of spelling.  I called her Anut Betty throughout the paper.  My teacher asked if my aunt was a nut and I was puzzled until I got my paper back.  EOD)   (I decided to use the abbreviation EOD to say End of Digression.  EOD.)

    I often wonder what it would be like to lose a sense.  I talked to a guy today whose wife had Covid.  It was a mild case, but she lost her sense of taste and smell and her sense of taste has not yet come back completly.

    If I went deaf, would I still hear the music in my head?  If I go blind, will I still be able to see the images in my mind?  Would I miss the taste of pizza or the smell of applewood burning?  Would I be able to feel my dog when I pet her?

    A curious mind wonders...and I don't want to have a personal experience with losing any of the senses.  Well, I have lost my sense of style, but that was long ago.

    tay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay full of senses.

Peace and Love

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