Sunday, March 28, 2021

 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

    And unfortunately, I come equipped with a little knowledge.

    You should feel blessed I am sharing some of that with you.

    The cicadas will be returning this summer.  These are 17 year ones and will be most common in eastern counties in the central part of the state.

    That's not the information you need.  In addition to natural predators, there is a fungus that attacks the cicadas.  It eats away at their butts.  I just hope it isn't transferrable to humans.  We'd have to rewrite the lyrics to I like big butts.

    You learned something, right?

    There is a product advertised on line called Hide a Pooh.  I hope it is a joke.  It looks like a rock and you drop it over the dog pooh.  I guess you leave it or pick it up later.  The ad was unclear.

    I read things and make notes.  But, I often can't understand the notes.  For example, I am looking at a paper with 350/100 ; Funderburg Easy; You Tube and a name thqt looks like Debby Circuses.  I wrote them, but have no idea whay or what they mean.

    The Chicago Bulls basketball team at the start of this season averaged 21.8 years of age.  That was younger than the University of Wisconsin men's team.  But the Bulls pulled a big trade, so that may no longer be true.

    There.  Now you have information you will never need to know.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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