Tuesday, March 30, 2021

day.....Terry, Terry quite contrary.....388

 I spent some time in the dirt today

    I have the majority of weeding around the house done.  I still have two areas to go, but they do not look too bad.

    My problem is getting rid of the waste.

    Some I can pile on my old Christmas tree and burn, hopefully burning the tree at the same time.

    But some I can't.  I put it in bags in the garage and then take it into town and drop it in a friend's driveway.

    I feel sometimes I should diversify and use other people......then I think who cares?  Nobody is keeping count.  Are they?

    One thing I noticed is how sore my hands are tonight.  It's hard to bend them and type.  I guess a couple of ibuprofin, or however it is spelled, before bed may help.

    If you ever see me out weeding or working in the garden, make sure you create plenty of noise when you approach.  I often have very vigorous debates with myself while gardening.  I talk to the worms.  I curse the weeds. I rhyme words.  It is definitely a free flowing time for me as I dig around in the dirt.

    What I need to do is download some more music and charge my little speakers.  Then I can sing along while I work.

    I do that when I am mowing, and sometimes I turn off the mower and continue singing, but since the mower was on I am more or less yelling the words, or what I think the words are, which may be why more neighbors are avoiding me each year.

    Oh well.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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