Sunday, March 14, 2021

day.......times they are a changin.....372

 Sorry Bob Dylan, I don't like time changes

    My circadian rhythm gets all messed up.  

    Talking about messed up, take our the r in circadian and you get cicadian, a Latin term relating to "of or about a bug,  the common cicada."

    I made that up.

    My horrendous sleep habits are about get worse because of the time change.  Now when I go to bed at 10 it is actually 11, which means when I get up at 8 it's really 9 and sometimes I sleep until 10, which is 11.  If I don't get to sleep till 1, it's really 2 but 9, which is really 8, still comes along and there I am.

    Understand? get a head start on going to bed at 10 (9) I am showing pictures for the rest of this entry.


I found a hummingbird nest at Nachusa Grasslands.

I have taken up a new hobby......wildlife drawing....he does have ears.  (It's an elephant.)

This is not an elephant.

    This roadway was made by mice or ground squirrels during the winter.  I guess I better get out the traps early this year.

Stay safe.  Stay healthy

Peace and Love

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