Thursday, March 11, 2021


Sometimes my life, and emotions, are like an elevator 

    Hell, they ARE an elevator.

    Today was no different, except in how fast the ride was.

    I had a nice conversation with a neighbor about the little shrine that has been erected in the park across the street.  It came after the tornado and was in the hollow of a tree taken down by the storm.

    That was 2015.  Age caught up to it, so it apparently is going away.

    I was thinking it would be a neat story for the paper, (up)  but the man did not want his picture or his name mentioned. (down) 

    Then he said he only read one newspaper regularly, the Wall Street Journal, because it was balanced, and only watched Fox News because they were fair and unbiased.  He was serious.  (down)

    I took my bike to a bike shop for a tune up.  Walked the bike in and the man said something and turned around.  I followed and he stopped and looked at me and said, "I guess you did not hear me when I said wait there."  I told him I had a hearing loss and was not wearing my hearing aids, so no, I did not hear him.  (down)

    I then attempted to back up to where he wanted me.

    Ever see dominoes fall?

    He had about 20 bikes lined up and I hit the third one, (down)  which knocked over the second one (down), which knocked over the first one (down) which almost took out his counter but missed. (up)

    To his credit, he did not yell.

    I went to Target and ran into two former coteachers.  We had a brief but great exchange and I was glad to learn they and their families are doing well.  I had their children in school, and they were great kids.  Sounds like they still are. (up 3 floors)

Went to a grocery store because they sell Mighty Vine tomatoes, the locally grown tomato that is so good it makes other vine ripened products blush.  Saw a display of daffodils, bought some, used my list to buy yogurt, cottage cheese and headed for Starbucks. (UP)

Used my app, ordered ahead, picked up quickly, (up) headed for home and realized I never bought the freakin tomatoes! (down)

Driving home, doing 45 in a 45, the light on Flagg Road at 20th Street turned yellow and I was too close to stop, so I think I went through a red. (down)  Luckily the person on 20th did not pull out, otherwise I would be in huge trouble, maybe even in the hospital (Up)

Got home, worked on my writing, started supper so we could eat before my 7 p.m. musuem meeting, was almost ready to make a BLT with a not so good vine ripened in Canada tomato when the phone rang at 6:02.

People were wondereing where I was, since as VP I was running the meeting tonight and it does start at 6. (down)

Finished meeting with only one person being able to hear me and relaying the conversation (down), had a great supper, even though it was late, (up) listened to the president, (up) and hear I am.

I am not sure if I am in the penthouse, basement or ground floor.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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