Tuesday, March 2, 2021

day......what the hell......360

 I sometimes think we have a huge problem

    Actually, I think it most of the time lately.

    Maybe it's the Covid thing.  Maybe it is the election.

    But I am begining to think people are freakin' nuts, to be polite, or just incredibly stupid.

    Some examples.

    A guy is running for governor in Illinois.  Earlier in the pandemic he was removed from the legislative floor in Springfield for refusing to wear a mask when there was a mandate to wear one.  He also believes Chicago should be its own state so they don't inflict their values and culture on the rest of the state.

    A representative from the same area in Illinois drove his pick up truck to D.C. for the Jan. 6 riot.  He has a decal for a far right military group on his truck, but insists he did not know what the decal stood for and his trip to D.C. was just to see what was going on.

    A congressman believes Jewish bankers used space lasers to start the devastating California wildfires that killed almost 100 people.  Plus she mocks people who identify as transgender because there are only two sexes...male and female. She says that is based on science, but global warning, pandemics, and rising sea levels are just conjecture.

    A governor is accused of improper asexual dvances, including touching and kissing his female aids, and explains it all by saying he was flirting in a joking way.

    A woman is running for Congress in our district and she not only does not live in the district, she has no plans of moving here.

    The youngest member of Congress, who was in a horrific automobile accident that left him paralized, told everyone his friend left him to die in the accident.  His friend says he went into the burning car and pulled him to safety.  Now it turns out the congressman also lied about the accident preventing him from attending a military academy while the military academy said he was never accepted to attend in the first place.

    We have a guy running around yelling the election was stolen from him, while there has been no proof of massive voter fraud, 60 court cases were tossed and the Supreme Court he appointed, plus his justice department and his FBI and every state elections commission has said no massive fraud existed......and people still believe the election was stolen.

    If the United States of America was a third world country, this would all be funny stuff.  But we are not.  And it isn't.

    And I honestly don't know who is dumber....the politicians or the people electing them.

    I actually started out thinking I would write a funny post tonight.    And in a sense, each entry is a comedy if you subscribe to the belief that out of tragedy comes laughter.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Thanks for letting me vent.

Peace and Love

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