Tuesday, March 23, 2021

day....blah, blah , blah.....381

 I am still reeling over yesterday

    I just can't get over two mass shootings in what seems a blink of an eye.

    It seems we are not safe anywhere, grocery stores, spas, massage parlors, movie theaters, university lecture halls, high schools, grade schools, college campuses.

    And all I hear is blah....blah....blah.

    You have heard all the crap too, I am sure.  If the victims were armed, if teachers were armed, if armed security guards were present, if... if. ... if.

    What I am not hearing is what are we going to do as a nation to prevent more mass shootings?

    Stricter background checks?  Longer waiting periods?  Preventing private sales to circumvent laws?  Stricter prison terms? Banning certain types of weapons and ammuntion?  Better mental health care for distraught people?

    Columbine weas 23 years ago.  What has changed?

    We can't keep lining up on one side of this or the other.  We need brave leaders from both parties to come up with solutions and to implement those solutions.

    But all I am hearing is blah....blah .... blah.

    It makes me sick to my stomach.

Peace....more than ever....and Love.....more than ever.

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