Saturday, October 31, 2020!....230

 A happy, strange, Halloween to all

    A full moon.  A blue moon. Cool night.  Strong winds.  A pandemic.  Time change.  An ideal night for ghosts and goblins to do their biding.

    I started prepping  Christmas decorations today.  I took out  my garland and tested the lighting.  I love hanging garland off the porch.  I love how it looks all lit at night.

    I have 8 strands of prelit garland.  Only 2 of them work.  The other six don't light.  So I am laboriously taking off the old lights and will replace them with new ones sometime this week.

    On Thursday or so, when the temps are in the 60s, I will hang the  garland strung with new lights. I won't be lighting it until Thanksgiving, but I am trying to get some stuff done before my surgery.

    Vampire bats are always a good Halloween topic.

    I was listening to a radio program about them yesterday.  Vampire bats will slyly make a small slit in an animal, like a bird or cow...or human... and then sit on the creature and lick the blood as it drips out.

    Vampire bats also develop life long friendships.  The researcher said that once bats become friends, they stay friends, often living in the same colony.

    Then it geets weird.

    If a bat can't find a food source and is hungry, his friend will vomit up food into the hungry bat's mouth!

    Now folks, many of you are friends.  I will never ask you for a mouthful of vomit for supper.

    Trust me.

    Turn your clocks back.  Watch the full moon rise.  Have a great Halloween night.

    And don't forget your masks!

Peace and Love

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