Wednesday, October 7, 2020,,,,,207

We had our last doctor appointment for the week today 

    I had two, Jackie had I guess we are tied for medical needs this week.

    I even got in a short nap!  Then I went to the store, got gas for the mower, and mowed the yard.  I have not done that for a few weeks....and I think I have one more mowing to go.  At least I hope it is only one.

    Let me tell you my amazements for the day.

    I have a bottle of laundry detergent.  Sometimes I put too much in the measuring cap and try to pour it back.  I don't always hit the spout, so a little pool forms in the lid area.  .  But when I go to do the next load, the pool is dripped back into the container.

    So, that amazed me.  Engineers and designers looked at the problem (too much soap in the lid) and solved the problem (design a tilted opening, so liquid drains back into the container.)

    I don't know if that makes sense, what I am saying.    It does amaze me.

    We have a radio alarm that turns off after playing for an hour.  Cars that correct themselves when you leave your lane or slow you down when approaching a car.  Computers that store 8,000 pictures.  

    Maybe it's the wine, but I am truly amazed at a lot of stuff in our world.

    I watched the last minute of The Munsters and they were arguing over who gets to watch a tv show.  Imagine that.  They had one tv, no way to record or play back shows, and if they missed a show, well, they missed it.

    How far we have come.  Thank you scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and Stella Rosa.

    So...I guess I will just take my amazed butt to bed.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or trumpit.

Peace and Love

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