Monday, October 26, 2020

 I learned a lesson last year at this time

    I have 8 pots of plants that I can winter over.  My understanding is to cut them down to almost nothing, then water them lightly once a week and keep them in a low light situation.  (Notice  pots of plants, not plants of pot.  Big difference,)

    Last year when I cut them down, I broke out in a rash all over my body!  I itched like hell for a couple of days until the Benadryl and lotions soothed my skin.

    This year I wore work gloves and put on a long sleeved sweatshirt and pulled the sleeves down.  I made sure I did not touch any part of my body and washed my hands well when I was done.

    So itch.

    The plants are lemongrass and citronella geraniums and I think it was the geraniums that caused the rash.  Not this year, by gum!!

    I think it was Edith on Downton Abbey that asked Lady Grantham why all her causes were so gloomy.  Lady G answered, "Because it's the gloomy things that need our help.  If everything is the garden is sunny, why meddle?"

    Those Brits were pretty smart.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Be a rebel...wear a mask!

Peace and Love

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