Monday, October 5, 2020

day....aarrgh!!!! ....205

 I am so frustrated with me I could scream

    I have crap all over the place.  Papers, magazines, notes, notebooks, books.  

    I am even spilling over into the blue bedroom, which is Julia's room when she is home.

    The garage is a mess.  The basement is a mess.  My mind is a mess.

    I have been disorganized my entire life.  But now it is really getting to me.

    Can't find Corki's leash.  I don't remember where I put it.  Lost a vice grips the other day.  Found it with my shoes.  (Exit 99ers...see a pattern?  When I lost the group's checkbook, where did I eventually find it?  In a shoe!! WTH)

    I spent countless minutes today looking for a book I am reading.  I found it in a pile of stuff.

    The dining room table is loaded with pictures and albums and envelopes for pictures  in so I can send them to people.  Been that way for 6 weeks and today I brought up more pictures.

    I just hope I can go through these before Thanksgiving.

    It's not easy being me.

    At least I made it through my blood test without any problems today.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or trump it.

Peace and Love

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