Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 I know I can use my phone for lists

    I prefer to write the lists on paper.  That way when I go to the store I can whip out the paper and read my list without squinting.

    Of course, sometimes I forget the list.  Or lose the list.  

    Sometimes I can't read my writing.

    So I had a detailed list today.  I went to the store, got everything on my list except the very first item!  And what did Jackie ask me when I got home?  Did I get the salve?  Damn no, I did not get the salve!

    A list on the phone whould have made no difference.....probably would have been worse because I can't always read the small print, and if I make it big, I can't see the list.


    I guess if that is my only issue in life, I would be a happy man!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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