Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Sometimes living in a small town is fun

    Today I wanted to call a friend.  I knew his number, even though I don't call it often.

    I was in my car and his number is not in my phone.  So I stopped in a parking lot and  called.

    I have called this number before, that's why I knew it.

    When a man answered and it was not who I wanted, I was flummoxed.  Has the  number changed?  Did he drop his land line and someone else have that number?

    I apologized to the man,  who sounded familiar, and hung up.  I got home and looked up the number I wanted, and realized it was not the number I called.  But the number I called was for a different friend.....I thought the voice was familiar, but I was looking for a different person.  Make sense?

    That's what living in a small town is call a wrong number and still know the person who answers.

    It's kind of funny.  I go to a barber shop and know her number by memory.   I probably call it 10 times a year.  I think I know it because I dial it manually every time, which reinforces what I already know.  With callers in my phone, I punch a name and it dials so I don't have that reinforcing lesson.

    So I don't always remember a number.

    And is dialing the correct term?  Not like it is a rotary phone I am working with.

    Speaking of the book I am reading the word arras comes up frequently.  I found it means a tapestry that covers a wall.  And a priest was handling his brievary, which is not a sexual term, but refers to his book of services and prayers.

    I guess old dogs can learn something.

    Stay healthy,  Stay safe.  Keep wearing those masks.

Peace and Love

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