Saturday, October 10, 2020


 I may go unshaven for a few days

    My electric razor fell apart today and I can't figure out how to put it back together.

    Like Humpty Dumpty, it's in pieces.

    I know they all fit together, but for some reason they are not cooperating with me.

    So....I may go unshaven for a while.

    For those of you who know the weirder side of me, the razor fell apart as I was emptying the head while cleaning.  I tapped it lightly on the side of the jar and when I put it down, it came apart.

    Jar?  you ask.  Yes.  I have a peanut butter jar full (well, nearly full) of my facial hair.  I don't know why.  I have been saving it since my "beard" was brown, but now it is considerably lighter.

    I want to put it on E-Bay and see if anyone would buy it. 

    And I can't tell if it is amazing, odd, or disgusting.

    Had a great time at Emily's and John's today.  

    They had Moonie out for a benefit in their yard.  Moonie is a regular at the Ren Faire in Bristol and appears in faires around the country....I believe he said he travels 32 weeks out of the year for faires.  I don't know why I am spelling it faires.

    He does a fun show.  Tomorrow I will post some pictures.  Why not tonight?  No reason, just frustrated over the damn razor.

    Maybe a toddy will calm me down.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or get trumped.

Peace and Love

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