Tuesday, October 27, 2020

day......is it? ....226

I started reading a book this week 

    I know, nothing exciting about that.

    Have you read a book that you really liked and read it again?

    Something like Charlotte's Web, or To Kill a Mockingbird.   For me it was Catch 22, A Farewell to Arms, and The Old Man and the Sea.

    I've read them multiple times and they never grow old.

    Years ago....when I was in my preteen or teen years, I read a book and loved it.  I read it a second time I was so enthralled by it.  I believe it was my cousin Sally's book, because my parents didn't "waste money on books."

    As the years went past, the title escaped me.  I know it was a green book.  (Hint:  Don't ask your local librarian if they have green books from the late 50s early 60s that were written for younger readers.  They will only roll their eyes.)

    All I remember about the book was it involved the 100 Years War.  And it was exciting.

    This summer a FB friend posted 100 books he loved, and one of them was a young adult book set during the time of the 100 Years War. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote it, The Black Arrow.  It's a coming of age story set in England.  You may connect Stevenson with Treasure Island, another great book I read years ago.

    So I found a copy on Hoopla, an on line lending service provided by my local library.  Your library may have it too, if not, ask them about it.

    I started the book two days ago and .... well, how can I put this politely, I am having trouble understanding it.  Goeth and Doest and Y are commonly used and it's like learning a new language, even though it isEnglish.

    The first two chapters don't ring a bell....but over 60 years maybe details get forgotten.

    The upside is I don't play as much solitaire on the computer.  At least I am using my time a little better.

    And who knows....maybe this is the one and I won't know until the very end.  If so, then I will have time traveled back to my youth.

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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