Sunday, October 18, 2020


 I get annoyed about things

    And I should just let them go.

    I have said it before, and I probably will bore you.

    But.....ever notice people in tv shows and movies NEVER have to circle the block to find a place to park?  They always pull up in front of a building and park.  Never double park, never feed any meters because they places they park don't have meters.

    When tv people have coffee in take a way cups, they just swing away with them, never worrying that the coffee will spill.  I think the cups are empty.  I also think they should at least fill them with water so it is a little more realistic.

    And when they order pizza, the box never weighs any amount.  They must be empty like the coffee.

    In the tv show Friends, the live on the fifth floor.  But nobody ever complains about walking up the stairs....even the parents.  I would be  bitching with every step.

    Why do people drive so fast in car commercials?  And while I'm on it, why do they have to drive through pristine mountain streams in their big SUVs?  

    When there is a hurricane, why do the folks from the  weather channel stand out in the wind and rain and warn people NOT to go out into the wind and rain?

    Why do so many midwesterners go outside to look for tornadoes when a tornado warning is issued?

    I clicked on an article that listed rare coins that are worth money.  Several of them were pennies that were double cast or had other imperfections.  I'm wondering what the chances of finding a $45,000  penny are when there are 288 billion pennies in circulation?  Well, I'm guessing 1 in 288 billion.  So how would you find a rare one except by pure chance and great observation skills?

    And in football, a team is up by 20 points with 90 seconds left and they have the ball.  The other team has no time outs.  So why do we have to watch the insufferable quarterback kneel play two or three times?  Just call the damn game.

    I know....let it go.

    As much as I try, I just can't.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe. Keep the mask on!

Peace and Love

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