Thursday, October 8, 2020


 I learned a lesson today, again

    Always carry your cell phone!

    We have help on Tursdays and Fridays for Jackie, so I can do errands and get a little me time.

    So today, my plan was to go to Lindenwood to look for hedge-apples, then to DeKalb because there is a Starbucks there and it is happy hour Thursday.  Next I would stop at a grocery store then hit the orchard in Malta and head home.

    I didn't leave at 1, more like 1:45, and I was in a hurry.  I got halfway to Lindenwood when I realized it was already 2 and it would be 30 more minutes before I could get there and back to DeKalb.  Figure 20 minutes to order, sit outside, sip some coffee, then hit the grocery store and orchard and I would be pushing 4.  So I skipped Lindenwood.

    Somewhere about there I discovered I did not have my phone.  No big worry, Jackie was not alone.

    I got to Starbucks and the drive through line was loooooong.  So I opted to go in, only to read the sign on the door saying no counter service, drive through and app orders only.

    No app order possibility because I don't have my phone.

    So I got in line...for about 2 minutes then decided to go to the grocery store.

    Long story, made short, bought stuff, went back and saw the line was only 2 cars, got my coffees, went to the orchard and made it home by 10 minutes to four...plenty of time.

    Supper tonight was a Thanksgiving dinner by a church in Steward and it was very good.  Drive through service, did not take long, 

    All in all, it was a good, apples, turkey, sunshine.....a Bears win would make it pretty darn good.  We'll see.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or get trumped!

Peace and Love

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