Sunday, October 25, 2020


 I attended a play today

    Well, not live in person attend.  But I was there.

    Goodman theater live streamed Death of a Salesman for free this weekend.  I actually thought it was Steppenwolf, but I was wrong.

    Brian Dennehy was Willy Loman and he wa amazing.

    I had always thought that if I was ever going to perform in a drama, it would be as Willy in Death of a Salesman.

    But I am wrong.  I don't think I have the range of emotions, or the capacity to memorize the lines.  

    But damn, it was a great production.

    This 1999 production was filmed at the Goodman.  Because it was filmed, there were close ups of the actors' faces and zoom in scenes that you would miss attending  a live theater production.

    The play ran 3 hours.....and it took me about 5 to watch it.  Emily and John came over and we worked out a post surgery schedule for help, I made Jackie supper, fed the dog, let the dog out, let the dog out, let the dog out....I swear, Corki goes outside and just stands there, sniffing the air.  Then she does her business.  

    John also helped me roll up the family room carpet, clean undereneath the pad, roll the carpet back down....all be it in the wrong spot.  Then he came over later to help pull the carpet to the right spot.

    Sadly, Dennehy is gone now. But his talents live on in this show.

    Emily brought some cider and I warmed it up and am sipping on it now while  waiting for the snow to start.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask for the rest of us.

Peace and Love

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