Sunday, November 1, 2020

day....yumm ick....231

 I made a special Sunday dinner

    Iowa chops from Headon's.  Iowa chops are about an inch thick.  It's like 4 pork chops together.

    I found a recipe on line that I used once before.

    I followed it exactly:  Rub chops with olive oil, salt, pepper, fry 2 minutes on each side, bake in 425 degree oven for 15 minutes, making sure internal temperature reaches 165.

    The first time I made them, Jackie loved hers.  Today, not so much.  I don't remember using salt the first time and today's meal was just too salty for her.  I thought mine was good....tender, moist and tasty.

    I also made scalloped potatoes from a box mix.  

    At some point, the smoke detectors started going off because of the pork chops in the oven.  It was rather smokey in the old house.  I opened the back door, turned on the fans, and aired out the place.

That was really the only thing I did today.  Well, besides 2 loads of laundry and cleaning the oven and counters and stove and dishes that I made during the day.  I am not a neat cook.

     I hate to belabor a topic, but sleep was horrible last night.  I actually was up when the clocks flipped from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m. and when they hit 2 a.m. again.  I think it was then I started playing solitaire on line.

    I don't know if it is the time change or anxiety, and I did take a calm me down at night so I can sleep pill, but it did not help.  I don't think the 6 trick or treaters we had impacted me at all.  Friend Sam was one and entertained us with song and dance, which we both enjoyed.

    I also made a hot chocolate with a little Baileys in it to toast my friends camping at Apple River Canyon.  I just could not make it this year and was bummed, because I really look forward to that annual  day of guy time, campfires, hikes and just yakking.  Next year.

    Hopefully tonight I will be able to sleep.  Heaven knows I  am tired enough.

    Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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