Sunday, October 11, 2020


 I told a lie, unlike George Washington

    I said I would post some pictures from the weekend today, but I did not.

    Friends John and Kathy came out and brought lunch!  We visited, laughed, talked and had a great time.  I don't think we have seen them since Julia was home at Christmas.  It felt good.

    After they left I did a couple of small chores outside and before I knew it, the day had almost gone.  Jackie is very tired, so getting her to bed was a bit of a chore.

    Then I tried to export pictures to a back up disc and was doing well until the whole shebang froze up and I had to force quit photos.  I don't have the energy to restart the process. 

    I think hearing that SIL John walked for 24 hours and covered 72 miles mentally tired me out.  He did it to raise money for two groups and that was truly amazing.  Some friends joined him, so kudos to them for keeping him company, awake and going.

    So...spank me, I am bad.  Really, spank me!  Hit me hard!!  Oops.....getting carried away.

    Tomorrow....maybe,..... pictures and other neat stuff.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or know.

Peace an Love

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