Friday, October 16, 2020


 This seems to be a  never ending song

    I am so tired of Covid.  I'm tired of socially isolating.  I am tired of wearing a mask.  I am tired of being careful when I am out in the real world.

    But I will continue to wear a mask, maintain distances. and keep up my guard because I don't want me, my wife, my family, or my friends to get sick.

    But it is tiring.

    So, to make it a little less so, here are some suggestions:

    Give a puzzle as a present.  But switch a couple of pieces with another puzzle just to make it interesting.

    Create a mixed tape.  Or disc, whatever it is.  But instead of using the original artists, you do the singing accompanying yourself on pots and pans drums.

    Mow a design in your yard.  Or, even better,  wait for your neighbors to go out and mow a design in their yard.

    Grow your own grass.  Enough said.

    Drive around the block backwards and tell curious people you are trying to turn back time to pre Covid.

    Text random people and leave suggestive messages.  On second  thought ....don't do this.  A spouse may think it true.  Disregard this suggestion.

    Read Moby Dick.

    Call a talk radio show and say, "I'm a first time caller.  How are you today?" because no one ever starts a call like that.

    Put rainbow colors in your hair using wasable Magic Markers.  Be sure they are washable.

    Lay out in the grass on a beautiful day and see what shapes the clouds are making.

    Glue the leaves back on the trees in your yard, mixing up the types to give more variety to nature.

    Reread posts from your favorite daily blogger because the ones he wrote in the first year are funnier than the ones he writes today.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or The Cask of Amontillado

    I'm sorry.  That was a poe joke.

Peace an Love.

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