Friday, October 2, 2020


I had a break today 

    I did not obsess on my new problem.  Well, almost not all day.

    Talked to Joan in Wisconsin and caught her up on our news.  

    I did take our ballots to the county clerk's office in Oregon, the city, not the state. We were very careful to sign and verify our votes.  Then Jackie filled out her authorization for me to bring them to the clerk's office, which I did.

    Friend Dan also took theirs over.  If I had known that, I would have suggested we meet for coffee.  Linda said we could have gone to the statue and that is exactly what I did!  Got a coffee and drove up to the statue, sat in the sun for a few minutes, sat in the clouds for a few minutes, and watched the world go buy.

    There were a lot of people viewing Blackhawk, or the Eternal Indian.  Almost everyone took a selfie of them and the chief...and I thought that was a pretty touristy thing to do.

    Some people followed the path off to the left to take a short hike.  But almost everyone came back after seeing the 6 million steps down to the river.  I did not even think about that.

    Watched/listened to the Cubs lose again.  (Megan...please tell Ben the season is over and no WS this year.)

     Then I talked to friend Chuck about prostate issues.  Seems the more people I talk to, the more relaxed I am becoming.  I have a couple of people I plan on calling this weekend, so if you see my name on your caller ID, please answer.

    Finally, topped off the night with a visit from SK.  It was great to talk to someone other than each other, but I think Jackie and I talked nonstop.   At least I did.  It was just nice to have a guest, and red wine, and good food.

    I have appointments set up for next week and the week after,  and I pretty much know what I am going to opt for ... but I am not making a decision yet.

    So, that's it.  

    Live safely.  Live healthily.  Weareth a mask or thou doust risk the possibility of infection.

Peace and Love

It's such a touristy thing to do........

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thierry. Kev and I send you a big hug and lots of positive energy.
    Kev’s dad also had the same operation and he is Ok now.
    Remain positive.
    A big hug
