Wednesday, October 28, 2020

day...what's up doc?......227

 I had a loooong day today

    For about a week now, after I get up, get Jackie going and have breakfast, I seem to take a nap.  I sit in my chair about 11:30 and nap.  It really seems to help me restart my day.

    Today's chore was harvesting and freezing carrots.

    This is my last crop in the garden.  I planted 4 rows, 4 feet each, in two gardens.  One area was planted early, the other late.

    I harvested the early portion today.  First thing I noticed is the greens of the carrots are a little shorter today than they were yesterday!

    Notice the hoofprints?  These were not Santa's reindeer making an early visit, but the neighborhood deer.  In my other bed, they actually pulled up three or four carrots!

    Anyway, I cleaned them (the carrots), peeled them, Jackie and I cut them up,  (again, the carrots) and then we blanched them and froze them.  I used my new crinkle cut knife and it was pretty dang neat!.  Plus, Emily got us a new peeler and it was slick as a whistle, made the whole process a lot easier.

    In the end, we put up 4 one gallon bags.  

    I don't know how well the second crop did, but I will find out Saturday.  If it is as abundant, I will have fresh carrots to give away.  Stay tuned.

    We also realized we have not gone off the property since Saturday.  Four days of not driving a car or going anywhere.  It's just weird.  I don't want to expose myself too much or expose Jackie, so I am staying home as much as possible.

    But I do need to get some things from the tomorrow I will venture out with my mask and hand sanitizer and stock up.

    And I found another bag of my mother's pictures.  Damn, she took a lot of photos!

    I have some to scan and save, so I will be keeping busy during my recovery days.

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask,  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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