Saturday, October 17, 2020

day....roller coaster....216

 Ever have some of those up and down days?

    First the ups.

    Friend Linda baked an apple bundt cake and offered us a couple of slices.  It was pretty darn good!  She sent me the recipe a while back and I have not tried it yet, but may have to after the sample.

    Plus it was nice to visit her and Dan.  We socially distanced and masks were involved, so all is good.

    When we came home tonight, we found a delicious looking coffee cake, some apple and cherry slices, and four huge cookies from my favorite Illinois bakery.

    Emily and John were in its neighborhood, so they stopped and  surprised us with a blueberry-almond breakfast treat and the other goodies.

    They also brought some Mighty Vines...the beste tomoto not grown in my yard.

    Earlier this week I got a shipment of cheese I ordereed from Shelburne Farms.  I cut into the smoked aged cheddar and it is amazing.

    A FB request to a long ago friend was accepted.  I did them wrong years ago and was hoping we could reconnect just to see how life turned out for them.

    The only downer was Jackie had a little bit of a plumbing issue today.  We ended up in a hospital ER for about 4 hours.  Two hours of that was spent waiting for the doc to finish up the paperwork to discharge her  She is fine, no problems.  

    I don't know what it is with me, pretty nurses, and flatulance.  But thanks to a dinner of burrito, beans and rice, let's just say that even a mask would not suffice.  If I wanted the nurse to enter, seems all I had to do was fart.

    At least I didn't have to go a heart unit in Rockford, like I did last time.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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