Sunday, October 4, 2020's a fast....204

 I hate blood tests

    I don't like getting shots or having blood drawn.  I would be a great person to not get involved in drugs.

    I got a flu shot Saturday and the friendly pharmacist was very good.  I always get my shot before Jackie because my anxiety level rises, a lot.  The kind pharmacist knows that and treats me gently, distracting me with idle chatter and then painlessly injecting me.  Thank you, Emily!

    Blood work?  Heeby jeeby time.  I once used to have to lie down to get blood drawn because of the risk of fainting.  I have gotten better, but not much.

    I also don't like it because I have to fast.  Going without food for more than an hour is a struggle for me.  I can drink water.  

    So now in addition to worrying about the prostate, the blood test, being hungry, I will probably be up every 2 hours getting rid of the water I am drinking now to stem my hunger.

    I ate supper....made stew.  It was ok.  Had a nice salad.  Now it's late an I am hungry, but it was fast for 12 hours.  Blood test is at 9.  

    Nice visit from Nadine today....even sold her a couple of calendars!  Thank you for supporting Rotary and its various causes and for visiting.

    Yes, we maintained social distancing.  

    That's it for me.  Hope you had a great Sunday.  Bundle up, frost advisory for our area tonight.  That's why so many of my plants are in the garage.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or trump it.

Peace and Love

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