Sunday, May 31, 2020

day ....omg....75

I thought we were better than this

The looting has taken the focus off the protest.  They are not the same thing.
People protesting is a right.  You may not agree with their protest, but it is a right.
Looting is not a right.  Throwing crap at police is not a right.  Setting fires to buildings and cars is not a right.
How do we sort through this?  How do we resolve the racial divide, while that divide is made larger because of the rioting?  How do we ensure that all are citizens are safe and treated fairly?
How do we find out who is at fault?   Agitators?  Radicals?  People just pissed off at the system?  People who think it's a golden opportunity to steal?
There needs to be an investigation into the riots.  If there is a group responsible, they need to be identified and labeled as terrorists. 
There also needs to be a movement to prevent this from happening again.
It's not just police training and restraint, it's community development, job training, jobs, opportunities, schools, medical care, food.......a redevelopment of a segment of our society that in many cases has been left behind.
My heart hurts tonight....for the police, for the store owners, for the family of  George Floyd and for everyone affected by this rage.
I  thought we were better than this.
Peace and Love.  Love and Peace.  Soon.

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