Tuesday, May 5, 2020

day ...... WTH......49

Sometimes I am too critical

     I know!  Who knew??
     We watch a lot of tv.  If you watch an episode a week, sometimes things slide.
But if you watch multiple episodes in a row, then you notice things.
     Friends, for instance.  The never talk about cars, unless it's early and Rachel is considering a Mercedes, but they talk about driving places.  Ross had a car in one episode, but never mentions it again.  And they live on the fifth floor.  Did you know there was an elevator?  We never see it, they never refer to it, but in one episode they met a Yeti like man in the basement.  He asks Rachel to coffee and says he'll meet her at the elevator in 10 minutes.
     We watched two episodes of The Neighborhood Monday.  In the first, one of the characters wanted a speed bump because of all the traffic.  In the next episode, which was a follow up, no speed bump.  No traffic.
     Big Bang is another one.  One episode they put in a high tech door lock, but you never see it again. They install a high tech security system, but never mention it except for the one episode.  And the exit lights on the floor?  We never see them again after one episode.  They live in an apartment building but in all the years of the series I think I have only seen two neighbors.......just weird.
     Frasier?  They always show one elevator, but one character leaves and almost immediately another one enters without seeing the first!  How can that be?  And how long do commercial breaks last on a radio show?  While I'm at it, who shows up at 2 minutes to air time to do a 2 hour show?  Tv people, that's who.
     I know they are just tv shows...but for some reason it bugs the hell out of me.
I think I am getting boreder.
     BTW....last night I went to bed at 11:15 or so, turned off the tv, and put on WNIJ and it's Echos program of ambient music.  I was asleep by 11:40.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

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