Tuesday, May 19, 2020


I started the planting process today

     I think 25 down, about 150 to go.   I am sure it will be worth it.  (Sarcasm?)
     Yesterday we had a big surprise.
     I was walking Corki and we were half way down the block when I saw kids sitting in lawn chairs in their driveway.  They had signs.  I said, "You look like you are waiting for a parade."
     And they were. Tilton teachers were scheduled to parade down the street any minute.
     I raced (ok, I'm 72.  I don't race anywhere except the bathroom, refrigerator and the drawer with the corkscrew in it) back to the house, ran in, got Jackie in the wheelchair and wheeled her out front into the driveway.
     We got there just as the squad car, with siren blasting, turned down our street.
     We waved at teachers and other staff as the cars went passed, some of them decorated with balloons and signs.
     We even recognized some of the teachers.....but there were a lot of "new" faces.  We have been gone 12 years for me, 13 for Jackie.
     It was nice for the teachers to say good bye to their students.
     I can't believe I did not write about that last night!
     Anyway, here's what I did today.
     Stay healthy, stay home , stay safe.
Peace and Love

These are citronella  plants and lemongrass....supposed to repel mosquitoes.  I tried overwintering them in the basement, will be interesting to see how many come back.  I did replant one grass.


Our vertical herb garden.  I accidentally bought chervil instead of parsley.  Chervil?  Seriously. I will plant that in another container....and maybe some parsley.

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