Saturday, May 9, 2020 way.......54

The scammers are out in full force

     Holy crap, be careful on line!
     Not only do we have to wear masks in public, we have to be careful about people wearing masks on line!
     I mean scammers.  Thieves.  Crooks.   They succeed because we are not careful.
     Some examples:
     I got another notice from Apple that my account was hacked and I should click on the link to update my information.  It looked very official.  It was not from Apple.  I forwarded it to the Apple people. 
     Some people have reported getting text messages saying they have been exposed to the Covid 19 virus and to click on a link.  Don't do it!
     And today I was notified my Pay PaI account would be closed in 12 hours  if I didn't verify account information on a special link.  Pay PaI?  I suppose an I looks like an l in some cultures.  Just not ours.  Plus they had a couple of words misspelled and their verbs were not in agreement with subjects.
     It begs the question, why?  Why do this?
     Because people fall for it.  People send them money.  People offer their most vital bank information.
     We should be able to find these cretins and boil them in oil, tar and feather them, force them to watch The other words, make them suffer.
     That's my rant for the night.
     Be safe, on line and out side.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask. Stay home.
     Peace and Love

PS....mystery solved!  Friend Kathy sent the Cubs masks!! When I do go out, I be stylin'!

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