Monday, May 25, 2020

day....giggle giggle giggle....69

If you're so damn smart, why aren't you rich?

     My Uncle Jim used to have that on a cartoonish sign in one of the summer cabins in Michigan.  We used to go there a lot until  I was about 16, then life got in the way.
     He also had a sign in the bathroom that said, "If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down."
     Neither sign has anything to do with my day.  At least directly.
     I went to my newly planted garden to begin mulching.
     My plan was to lay cardboard around the plants, then put an inch or so of mulch over the cardboard.
     I spent many hours in the garage cutting up boxes.  It was a great idea.
     Except, it doesn't work.
     The cardboard does not sit flat on the ground and sometimes I need a lot of mulch to cover it.  I may try again tomorrow, but it was a pain today.
     I ended up going with newspaper....until I ran out.  The newspaper conforms to the ground while the cardboard is like my hair....just seems to go wherever it wants.
     I did a little weeding before I put the mulch down.  Saw a weed that looked weird so I pulled it.  I noticed there were other weeds that looked the same.      These, however, were in the holes we had dug and planted Saturday.  Oops.  I found the discarded weed and replanted it, but I am not hopeful.
     The kids got me a mulch fork.  At first I was dubious, but it is a great tool.   I can easily move mulch, and it is a lot better than a shovel.
     I always seem to be picking up stuff in the yard.  Tags, labels, whatever.
I had a runny nose, and I took out my hankie and wiped my schnozzola a couple of times.  It felt funny.  And it stunk.  (No, not my nose...the hankie.  However, my nose does smell.)
    That's when I discovered I was using landscaping fiber I had picked up,, not a hankie.
     I don't have to worry about watering...seems we are getting rain enough for the month over the next few days.
     And I successfully placed my first on line grocery order for pick up Wednesday.  But that is a different story.
     Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

I'm innocent, I tell ya!  Oh, never's my mulch fork.  Oops
And sorry to the person I just called on the phone.....I don't know how I dialed your number at 10:30.   Double oops

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