Saturday, May 2, 2020

day 47...but who's counting?

I think I am going to bed early

     I sat down at the computer at 8 tonight and at some point I fell asleep.  Sitting up.  At the computer.
     I guess it was a long day...worked in the yard, got my new garden tilled, took Corki for a walk, ribs for supper.
     I could clarify and say I watched as someone tilled my new garden.  I did get ribs for supper, but all I did was get in the car and drive to get them.  I heated them up later, though.
     I did have a couple of glasses of wine.  Ok....drinking alone is not wise, so this virus bs better be over soon otherwise all the wine will be gone.
     Just some photos from the past couple of days to share tonight.

Jackie thinks it is time to get rid of this new condition.  Great for quilters!  Let me know if you are interested.

We got 2 May Day baskets!  Our favorite Samatha in the whole world delivered cookies and a card yesterday and our neighbors from down the street dropped off a May Day basket too!  We were deeply touched.

My last picture of these for the the orange middles.

     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

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