Monday, May 4, 2020

day OMG 48

Are we having fun yet?

     I went to bed about midnight last night.  I was tired.  I figured sleep would come easy.
     I watched Friends until 12:30.  Then Mom.  Then Mom. Then Mom.
     Sometime during George Lopez, I fell asleep.  His show starts at 3.
     I am a bit tired tonight.
     I cleaned our bedroom and bathroom, a task that would take 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how fast I work and how focused I can stay.
     I started and told Jackie I would make her lunch when I was done, which should be about 1 or 1:15.
     She pointed out it was already 1.
     So I made her lunch.
     Then I started, knowing I would be done by 2 or so.
     At 3 I had to take a lunch break.  I was hungry.  And dragging.  And still had the floor to do.
     I finished about 4 or so.
     At some point I asked her about dinner and a prayer was answered.
     Renee and Wendy had lasagna last night and had leftovers!  They asked if we were interested in leftover lasagna.  I said for sure.
     The brought it out and we chatted for a while, maintaing a safe distance.  I did not invite them in, which just seemed weird and awkward, They stayed on the porch and we stayed inside and just talked through the open door.
    It was great!  Distanced fellowhip, followed by a great supper, and I didn't have many dishes to do!
    And Emily figured out the secret code to keep the Russians on their toes.     When I want Yoplait yogurt, I seem to type  Poplyn yogurt.  Not sure why, but I bet there is some guy named Boris researching Poplyn yogurt tonight.  (Probably one of my Ukraine readers too!)
     I need to go to sleep.  I think I am starting to hallucinate.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

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