Monday, June 1, 2020

day...that's the spirit! .....76

It has been a year to remember

     And it is only the first of June.
     I was supposed to be leaving June 8 for the Cubs/Cards two game series in London.  Obviously that is not happening.
     I am just glad I got all the money back.  I think.
     I hope to go next year, but if this year is any indicator, nothing is a given.
     I finished mulching my little prairie garden..... now all they have to do is grow.
     Dan and Linda were passing by and stopped to talk while I was out mulching. Of course, we dept a safe distance, unlike the goofs in pools down south Memorial Day weekend, or the people protesting.
     I may have made a couple of mistakes.  I planted a Joe Pie-weed, and it gets about 6 feet tall.  I hope it is not too "weedy" looking.  I won't mention the cup plants I planted which may get a little taller than that.
     Egads...what was I thinking?
      I got Jackie on the golf cart today and we took a tour of the back yard.  She doesn't get out there very often and she really needs to see what is going on.
     Peas are coming up, Italian beans are sprouting.  Tomato plants and green peppers look ok.  But...I planted bush beans and of the three rows, only four seeds sprouted.  I replanted them the other day, so hopefully we will have plenty of beans this year.
     I walked Corki tonight and then sat on the front porch with a nice glass or red....but the gnats and skeeters were too much for me and I had to go in.  Too bad because it was such a nice night.
     That's about it. 
     Stay healthy.  Stay home.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

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