Thursday, May 28, 2020


Is it still May?

     My birthday was 3 months ago, or May 11.  It seems that long of a month.
     We had a doctor's appointment in DeKalb for Jackie was a strange experience.
     I could not go in with her, so I had to wait in the car.  Luckily I brought an e-book, but I wish I had gone to a certain coffee shop for a brew while I was waiting.
     The 15 feet of rain we have had this month seems to agree with the zing roses, or dianthus, which ever you prefer.  I love these tufts of color.  I do deadhead them, but they never seem to have a second showing of color.
     I have not gotten back to the nature garden, so there is still a little area to mulch.  Hopefully I will get out there tomorrow, although I do have a bathroom and kitchen to clean too.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

The only fireworks I will see this year

The plants are huge!

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