Tuesday, May 26, 2020

day........oh no.......70

I placed my first on line pick up grocery order

     My mind is sometimes in neutral.
     Since we were teachers, early on in our careers we were paid once a month.      So we always went shopping once a month for staples.  Produce and diary products we would buy as needed, but we always stocked up on paper goods, pop, crackers.....stable shelf type stuff.... once a month.
     I still do that.
     I usually go to a large store in Rockford because they have a better selection.       They may have 15 kinds of Paul Newman salad dressings while other stores may only have one or two.
     But with the pandemic, I have not gone for a while.  John and Emily have shopped for the essentials, but we have not stocked up.
     So I sat down and did an on line order...with pick up Wednesday.
      I double checked everything....and yes, I missed a couple of items I should have ordered, but I will do that on my next order.
     So.......what went wrong?
     Location.  Location.   Location.
     My order will be ready at 3 p.m. in DeKalb.
     I could not find a way to change the location once the order was placed, and I did not want to cancel the order and redo the whole thing.
     So tomorrow I will take a trip to DeKalb.....which is not so bad, really.  There is a Starbuck's there and I haven't been in a while.  Plus there is Ollie's. 
     But next time, I will be more aware of the store location button.
     Experience is learning.
     Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love.

A little more done today....hopefully I can finish by Friday.

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