Monday, May 11, 2020

day ...... 72? How?.....56

Today was a special day for me

     I turned 72.
     Just to clarify, 70 is not the new 50 or 60.  70 is 70.
     I ache when I bend over.  I hurt when I get up.  My knees feel like crap and my hips keep telling me to never walk again.
     But at least I am not seeing the roots of the grass.
     Here we are, in the middle of a pandemic where people keep their distances, wear masks, don't go out and in my case, fear death. did I celebrate?
     I woke up.  That's always a good sign for how your day is going.
     Skyped with Julia for a while, then MK and S rang the bell and gave me a birthday card.  They came in, wearing masks, and we talked for a few minutes before Julia left, and our friends left. 
     Facetimed with Bob and Anita in Florida. Learned about lovebugs....and can't imagine having to scrape your windshield because of dead bugs.
    Talked with SIL Judy for a while.
     Then I headed out.  Why?  Because I LOVE FREE STUFF!
     Starbuck's gave me a free coffee for my birthday.  That may explain why it is a little after 11:30 and I feel like cleaning the bathrooms and running a mile.
     Portillo's gave me a free piece of chocolate cake for my birthday.  And yes, I bought a whole cake and 3 in the afternoon.
      Picked up my framed pictures.
     Took Corki on a long walk through the grasslands.
     Emily and John came over and we had cake and ice cream.
     Talked with friend Sheri and made plans for someday.
     Then I read birthday greetings on Facebook and was touched by so many people remembering me.  I keep thinking of Clarence......"No man is a failure who has friends."
     I am blessed in so many ways, by family, long distance relatives, friends, my health, my life.  I have been able to travel, read great books, watch great movies, and spend time with a lot of fun people.
     There's always a what if in life. I don't think I'd change much in mine.  Except, I would find a cure for MS......and Covid 19. 
     Thanks for being there to read this bit of trivia, to include me in your lives, and for being my friend.
     Stay Safe,  Stay Healthy.  Stay Home.
Peace and Love.

Julia took this from her house this week.

Jackie's grandfather served at Camp Grant in Rockford in WW I, the Great War.  Danny Williams restored the photo and I picked up the framed print today.  Gramps is under the arrow by her left hand.  Coincidently, my father was in training at Camp Grant when the war ended.  

Thanks, Julia for the candy.  Better than a Crunch bar!

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