Saturday, May 23, 2020


I am really sore tonight

     But I am not as sore as I could have been!  Sheri and Camryn came over to help me plant my prairie garden.
     I honestly thought I had it planned out fairly well.
     Had the plot divided into one foot squares.  Had a grid sheet of paper with a number corresponding to a plant.  Had a plant list, with a number that matched the grid. 
     Find the plant, match it to the number, put it in a hole.
     Of course, you have to dig the holes first.  Thanks Dan and Linda for the bulb diggers..the one tehat went on my drill was great!
     In hindsight, I should have started with the grasses, not ended with them.  They should have been 1 and 2, not 26 and 27.  And the really tall plants should have been three and four.  And I should have numbered the plants in order.  As it was, 1 was on page 4, 2 on page get the idea.  It was confusing.
The rock and log took up more space than I thought, throwing everything off.
     And when Camryn and I started digging holes, I at first said put the hole in the center of the square.  Then I realized there would be straight lines.  So after about six holes each, I told her to put them in the square, just not in the center all the time.
     We were doing pretty well until the thunder started rumbling.  We got most of the plants in just about the time it started to rain.  So we packed up everything and put it away while we sought shelter.
     I even changed out of my dirty pants and put on a clean shirt.
     Then the sun came out.  It was out for the next three hours.
     I just didn't have the energy to change and haul everything out again.
     So, tomorrow I hopefully will finish the planting part.  There's only about 10 plants left, so it should go quickly. 
     Then I will mulch it.
     It got a lot of rain, so I don't think I will have to water for a while.
     Hopefully in a year or so there will be a beautiful natural garden that attracts bees, butterflies and my eye.
     Thanks again Sheri and Camryn!  I could not have done it without you.
     And I realize now, looking at the pictures, it's easy to forget about masks!
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

One plant per square foot....or a Bessie Bingo plot

The problem with using the grid was the 90 mph wind plus the log and rock were a little bigger than I thought, that threw me off a couple of spaces.

I know it doesn't look like much....but it will be beautiful
This saves a lot of walking and time

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