Friday, May 22, 2020


I hit the big time today!

     In fact, this week has been pretty great.  On Monday part of our Cubs tickets was refunded.  ( will be getting a check soon!)  Not all of the games were refunded yet, just the ones already missed, I think.  I don't believe there was any explanation either...just a refund.
     Today the refund for the cancelled London flight came through.  It appears we received the full amount, but again, I have to go check.  I just saw that e-mail a little while ago.
     And we got our stimulus check!
     So life has been pretty good this week.....maybe I should buy a lottery ticket or two because my luck seems to be good right now.
     I even got to watch the live from Highclere feed today.  My Friday afternoon now has me at the computer at 1 Chicago Time to learn a little bit about Highclere Castle, which is where Downton Abbey was filmed.  For some reason, I really want to go there.  Really, really want to go there.
      Today's topic weas afternoon tea.  I learned.....put the wter in the pot then add the tea leaves, add milk after tea is poured, and  scones can be made with our without raisins, depending on the village.
     Viewers can send in questions during the live feed, and some of them get answered.  I always want to ask about the money ..... how you maintain an estate that size, how you pay for heating, electricity, where the money comes from and where it came from in the first place.
     But I also realize that is impolite.
     After all, maybe they had a lucky week or two and parlayed it into a vast fortune.
    We won't do that.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

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