Friday, May 29, 2020

day ..... (:.....73

Some days are just downers

     I can't think of anything funny today.
     The actions of one police officer has ripped apart major cities, bringing riots and protests.  Personally, I think the protests are justified.  I think all the officers should have been charged, not just the one.
     What confuses me is three police officers standing by while a man is pleading for his life.  I remember when the motto was "to serve and protect."  The three did neither.
     I hate to see the rioting.  It sends a message, yes, but there will be people who use it to justify their racial prejudices.
     As a nation we have struggled with racial prejudice ever since the first settlers landed here.  At what point in time  do we treat all people as equals?  In my opinion, we should have years ago when the lines "all men are created equal" were written.
     And there is still Covid lurking around.  We've passed 100,000 deaths in the US.  I saw a cartoon (Dilbert) where one character says only 1 percent of the population will die from the disease.  Another character pointed out that based on the world's population that would be 77 million people.  Sobering comic.
     Two people I know are in the hospital for various reasons.
     Like I said, not a lot to be happy about.
     I did watch an episode from Highclere Castle today.  And they took my question and answered it.  They even said, "Terry from Rochelle Illinois wants to know...."
     Autographs will be available.
     I told Julia about my problems in ordering a book on Highclere and Julia said I should just go to the castle's gift shop.  So tonight I ordered the book I wanted.  It cost a little more than I would like....shipping from the UK is more than the book.
     It might have been the only bright spot in the day.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

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