Thursday, May 7, 2020


I went to a store today

     Corki had a vet appointment today, so I was in DeKalb.  I went to a grocery store.
     I wore my mask, wiped down my cart, picked up the 4 items and came right out.
     Now I am worried I came in contact with something.
     I sanitized my hands back in the car, washed them when I got home, wiped down the four items, wiped down the steering wheel and door handle, and I wonder if that was enough.
     Time will tell.
     My good news for the day was Julia booked her flight home for Christmas.  I was worried that would not happen this  year.
     When I go someplace, Jackie is left alone.  Usually this is no problem, but during the 2 hours I was gone:  the guy called to tell us he was bringing the golf cart; guy called  to say my pictures were ready to be picked up in DeKalb; lady from the NIU foundation called about my new credit card....more calls than we have had in two days!
     The only disappointment for the day was I went to get a Starbucks and there were at least 15 cars in the drive thru I skipped it.
     Tomorrow I will hit the local favorite for my weekly coffee.
     Corki is doing well, by the way....just a yearly check up and vaccinations.  I stayed outside in the parking lot while a tech came and got her.  The doctor (who looks like Ed Begley Jr) called me and talked to me about the exam.
     That was my day.  And aside from going the wrong day down the  one way aisles, I think I did ok.
     And Echoes just played a tune by Moby.  I featured him in my blog (46) on wayward book titles when I mention his recipe book for a famous English dessert:  Moby's Spotted Dick.
     I also had 2 day 48 entries.
     I am so sorry.  On both counts.
     Stay safe.  Stay home.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

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