Wednesday, May 27, 2020

day.....beep, beep......... 71

I went to DeKalb 3 times today

     Well, technically I started out 3 times.
     I pulled out of the garage and was sitting at the corner when Jackie called.
     "Where's Corki?"  she asked.
     I said I did not know and she told me Corki was barking somewhere.
     Sure enough, I had let her out back an forgot to bring her in.
     That is not a big deal for most people, but Jackie can't get to the patio door and if she could, she would not be able to open it.
     So I brought the dog in and headed back to DeKalb.
     This time I got about 4   miles down the road and realized I forgot my sheet with the on line order.
     So I went back home and got that.
     Emily told me later that I did not need it, and I didn't.  So I could have avoided that start.
     Third time was the charm and I made it to DeKalb, picked up my first grocery on line order and headed for a quick stop at another store for 2 or 3 things.
     It looked like rain, so I wanted to be fast.  I left the windows cracked about one half inch and went into the store.
     While standing in the check out line, I started to hear rain hitting the roof of the store.  A lot of rain.  Heavy rain.  And it was blowing.  I began to worry that the car  interior would be wet.
     I paid, ran out to the car in a driving rainstorm and discovered I had rolled down one of the back windows all the way!
     Things were a little damp.  Tonight the car is in the garage with all the windows down, hopefully drying out.
     The upside is, I had an afternoon coffee! 
     Now I hope I can sleep.
     Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

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