Friday, May 1, 2020

day 46

I started a new book today

Reading one.  Not writing one.  I have written two, but have never attempted to get them published.  Actually, one I am perpetually revising.....maybe I should just finish it.  The other one I sent to a publisher but I received an empty envelope from them, my thinking was it was so bad they could not even reject it.
I take inspiration from many of the great writers.
Today I wondered what would happen to  titles similar to well known books.   Would they, too,  become classics?
Consider these:

     Warren's Peas.....the totally boring story of a British gardener and his war with aphids in his pea patch.  Not thrilling  to the last pod!
     The Grapes of Ross.....follow the adventures as Ross, a transplanted New Yorker, moves to the country side and starts a vineyard.  Will he and his third  wife Rachel find happiness and finally "merlot" out?
     The Great Fatsby.....a real life biography of David Navarro, who at one point early in the 1900s was the world's fattest human.
     Old Man and the C....this classic coming of age comedy pits a struggling college student against his overbearing father.  When Terry comes home with another C on a simple college course, Dad takes an unexpected walk on the wild side.
      Romeo and Jesuit.....a heartbreaking story of a star crossed lover who goes to a priest for guidance, only to fall into a forbidden love affair.
     Moby's Spotted Dick.....a collection of recipes of this classic British dessert pudding made of suet and currants is put together by this well known rock star.
     All Quiet on the Western Font.....a definitive history of fonts used in American westerns novels, from Zane Gray to Tony Hillerman.
     Don Coyote......following his abandonment in the woods by illegal immigrant parents, young Donnie is raised by coyotes and lives his entire life thinking he is Wiley, but he is not.
    The Hunchback  Has Not a Name....despite being the church bell ringer for 40 years, no one knew the name of this deformed, deaf and partially blind man.  Born without arms, he would smack the bells with his face. During a terrible storm, he slipped and fell 200 feet to the ground.  People gathered round the body.  One person asked what his name was. Nobody knew his name but they thought his face rang a bell.

     Feel free to add your classics.  I would look forward to reading them.
     By the way...there is a sequel to the Hunchback of Not a Name

     Fallen Angel......He had a twin brother who took over for his dead brother.  Unfortunately he also fell to the ground.  Once again the crowd gathered round and someone asked his name.  Nobody knew it, but they said he was a dead ringer for the first guy.
     That's all folks.
     Stat safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

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