Sunday, May 3, 2020

day 48 of forever

I love learning new things

     That's as opposed to learning old things which is stuff I may have forgotten over the years.
     Anyway, new thing I learned:  Today was a lovely day, temps in the 70s, sunny, quite nice.
     We gave Corki a bath.  I worked in the garden.  We Skyped with Julia.  All in all, a nice day.
     So, what did I learn?
     Weather-wise, a pneumonia front is moving in tonight.  Tom Skilling described it as a cold front with strong winds from the north, driving down temperatures and providing us with cold, dry air which is a ripe situation for people to develop pneumonia.
     Great.  Covid and now pneumonia.
     And I was just outside.  It is cold.  It is windy. I have a cough.
     Digression.....why do we have words with silent letters at the start?  Can you imagine some guy working at Webster's dictionaries in the 1820s saying, "Hey, let's screw up future generations by creating words that don't follow any spelling rules.  Let's start with pneumonia, add phonics, and top it off with pterodactyl."
Sick bastard.
     What else did I learn?
     Strawberries don't like me.  I have planted four strawberry plants every year for the past three years.  I have gotten 5 total strawberries.  This year none of the plants came back, so I am going with carrots ane tomatoes in that space.
     What else did I learn?
     There is a new strain of murderous wasps or hornets being detected in the world.  They kill honeybees and their venemous sting can kill humans if the person suffers enough stings.
     Finally, deer are pretty picky eaters.
     I have lots of hostas.  Some of them are getting big leaves.  Some of them have been chewed to the ground.  What's weird, the ones chewed to the ground are next to hostas untouched.  I truly wondeer why.  (Notice the pun in wondeer.....pretty darn clever  for 11:30 at night, huh.  I would go to bed earlier, but I can't sleep, which makes for a tormented night.)
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

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