Sunday, May 24, 2020

day.....toad ya.......68

Let's talk about animals

     Mostly the more than two legged kind.
     When I work in the yard I wear suspenders.  Why?  To hold my pants up!  (Sorry, that was an old joke:  Why do firemen wear red got the rest.)
     I can go all morning with a belt and I  am fine .  But for some reason, as the day goes on my pants have a tendency to slip.  A lot.  So to save my neighbors' eyesight and sweet dreams, I wear suspenders.
     Mowing today I almost ran over a frog.  A frog, not a toad.  This frog is living in my culvert.  He's big and green, with bulgy eyes.  Looks like a frog.
     We have toads in the yard.  I found two while mowing, and caught one for a picture.
     Tonight I found one on the porch.  I am glad I found it and not Corki. 
     I like the toads and frogs because they eat bugs.
Yesterday I got my binoculars out to check on a large bird circling overhead.  Turned out to have a white head and brown body, which puts it in the eagle class for me.
     When I mow there are swifts that fly darn close to my head.  They catch the moths and insects that the mower scares up.  It's really neat to see them pick a moth right out of the air.  Sometimes I think they are going to fly right into my face, but they never do.
     I was cleaning out stuff from the garage and found a pile of bird seed in my fountain basin.  Now, the only way it could have gotten there was if a little mouse carried it to the yard cart, and into the basin.   I also found sunflower seed shells in a box, so I suspect strongly I have a mouse in the garage.  Or maybe more.
     I took some stuff of a shelf and turned.
     Something hit me in the right side of back!  I spun around and it hit me in the back again, this time on the left side.  I did a quick jump to get it off but it hit me again.
     So I swatted at it.
     It was a suspender strap that came off my pants.  It was flopping around like a politician on steroids.
     Boy, was I embarrassed.  I was just glad no one was watching.  And I was glad my pants didn't fall down.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.

Peace and Love

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