Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I guess I won't have to freeze cake afterall

     Life is full of problems.
     What to do with a large chocolate cake?  Eat it, just like Weird Al sang to a Michael Jackson tune.  I have a feeling it will not go bad....it won't be around long enough!
     Good news and bad news on our England trip.  Was notified today that the airline had candelled, so we get a full refund.  The fees for booking were refunded, but not.  I lost my credit card two weeks ago.  Got a new one.  New number.  My tickets were bought on the old card.  They could not process a refund because the card account no longer exists.  Back to the phones.
     I ordered a book from an Amazon marketplace seller.  Book was clearly marked hardcover.  It came in paper back.  I clicked on the "something wrong with the purchase" button on the survey and asked for a return and credit.  I was told my purchase would be refunded and I did not have to return the book.  Now I feel guilty.  Still want the hardcover.
     A friend came over tonight and we had wine (and cake) and visited at a safe distance .  It was a great experience.  Can't wait to do it again.
     Pretty run of the mill day.
     Hope you are all staying safe, staying healthy, and staying home.
Peace and Love

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