Friday, May 15, 2020

day ...... sigh.......60

Ever have one of those days?

     Don't get me wrong....I got a lot done.  Hung my two pictures, took Corki for a walk, mowed the lawn, cooked burgers on the grill.....  It was a good day.
     One of my Friday highlights is my trip to Highclere Castle.  For those of you who did not watch Downton Abbey, Highclere is the actual place where the series was filmed.
     Set in the middle of 1,000 acres, the house has somewhere between 350-400 rooms and 50 bedrooms.  It is beautiful.
     Each Friday at 1 Illinois time the Lady of the house does a 30 or so minute show from Highclere.  Usually she starts outside and then moves inside for the live portion .  People can send in questions.  The bonus is you get to see the inside of the house.
     I had hoped to visit there this summer, but that won't happen.  It actually would not have happened during my trip because the house is not open for tours until July and we would have been home by then.
     Today she was drinking a tea in the house and a viewer asked about the tea.  Of course, they sell a Highclere blend  in the gift shop, but she really likes Earl Gray at about 4:30 in the afternoon.
     I love Earl Gray.  The hint of bergamot makes me relaxed and happy.  I have something in common with Lady Carnarvon, which is kind of funny.  Well, to me.
     So I watched, drinking a coffee from Cypress House, and dreaming of the day I get to visit Highclere.  I was quite satisfied with life.
     Anyway, one of those days.  I was mowing and all of a sudden I got mad.  Mad at people and their 4 wheelers, mad at people not wearing masks, mad at people making this virus a political issue, mad at people toting military type weapons openly, mad at politicians who have failed this country so miserably, mad at people who don't trust science, mad at the lawn care company for all my dandelions, mad at being confined, mad at the damn ground squirrels, mad at the dirt in my front yard, mad at just about everybody and everything in the universe and beyond.  Mad to the point of tears.
     Can't explain it.
     After supper, I was back to being happy.  Go figure.
     I should have had some wine.  Or Earl Gray.
     Stay home.  Stay safe.  Stay Nelly.
Peace and Love

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