Thursday, May 14, 2020


I hate stormy nights

     It was a dark and stormy night.......thank you Snoopy.
     We have a weather radio and it has been going off a lot tonight...warnings, watches, advisories.....I don't want to turn it off or mute it, because that kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?  Like asking scientists to study a problem and then ignoring their suggested actions to solve the problem.
     But I digress.
     It's also garbage night.  I have not taken mine out yet and probably won't for a while because the rain is pounding down.  Pounding. 
     And strong winds are expected at some point....I just don't want my trash blowing down the street.
     I finally got around to hanging my newly framed pictures....only to discover I had no picture hangers.  So tomorrow, a trip to the hardware store to get hangers. I need something else, but can't seem to remember what. Maybe it will come to me in the middle of the night.
     Or not.
     BTW...hanging pictures was on Tuesday's list.
    I also can't find my stud finder.  That is a frustration, because of who I am.
I never put stuff away in the proper spot.  My stud finder could be in any of 50 places I put stuff, but the place it should be ....with the other is not.  That is a character flaw I wish I could change.
     Another one is biting the dead skin around my nails.....I am gnawing away at a little chunk that is driving me batty.
     I had three things to do today:  fill my weekly pill box, hang pictures, clean our bedroom and bathroom.  My goal was to start cleaning at 2.....but then I put it off to 3, then 3:30 when I finished my coffee.  I started the 45 minute task at 3:40 and finished about 5.  Anybody see anything wrong with that?
     Got it.....dead skin gone. 
     And so am I.
     Stay Safe.  Stay Healthy.  Stay Home.
Peace and Love

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