Thursday, April 30, 2020

day 45

Sometimes it's all a blur

     It was a pretty nice day today here in northern Illinois.  Windy, brisk, but about 4 it got warmer and not so windy.  Corki and I took a walk.  The other day she sort of pooped out on the way home, but today she was strong all the way.
     I had some time to sort through some boxes in the crapment, I mean basement.
     I found a couple of boxes of pictures.  I don't know who they belong to, just that they are pictures.
     Next week Jackie and I will start with one box and go thru them.  I imagine most will be tossed.
     Kodak and Eastman really scammed us!  Take pictures!  Follow your life!    How many of us really sit down and look at the pictures we have taken?  I have over 8,000 pictures on my computer and hardly ever look at them.
     I have made books of some of my trips.... I look at them maybe once a year.  Still, I would not give them up because there will come a time when I will need those pictures to remember who I was.
     Anyway, I digress.
     Things started to go haywire at about 7:30.
     Friend John called and we had a nice conversation.  I was helping Jackie back to her chair at the time, and that went well.  She had asked for some of her Ollie's custard, and I spooned it into a bowl.   Of course, Corki had to go out, so I sat on the porch and chatted with my friend.
     At 8 I was going to watch a performance on the computer...and things went haywire.  My cell phone rang.  I did not get to it because it was on the far side of the house recharging.
     At some point I looked around and saw this round pile of disgusting, stinky dog vomit in the doorway.  I ran to get paper towels and rug cleaner when I heard the urp urp urp sound I have come to dread.  I could not find paper towels in the first two spots, so I made it back just in time to see a second pile of brown, disgusting, highly smelly stuff.  I quickly put a towel on that and she threw up again!  This time I got a towel under her and caught it.
     At that point Jackie reminded me I had not brought her the custard, which by now resembled a butter pecan slurpee since it had been out 40 minutes.
     The carpet now has two stains and once Covid is done I'll have to call SIL John to help me move out furniture so it can be cleaned.
     Friday night I was taking my night meds and noticed I had two pills that were the same.  I fill my pills on Thursday night, so I took out one of the duplicate pills for Saturday thru Wednesday.
     Tonight, it being Thursday, I filled my pills again, paying close attention so I did not put in two of the same.  That's when I discovered I had two pills that looked alike but were not the same.  One was slightly oval shaped, the other more rectangular.  And the pills I thought were extra I slipped into one container, not realized they were two different pills and not extra at all.
     I had to empty all my night doses, check the little white pills to be sure I had one A 9 and one AA69 instead of two of the same, and check the container to be sure they aere all the same. 
     I have two calls to make to the person who needed to speak to me but got trumped by dog puke and a med mix up.
     I need a vacation.  I also need to get some masks.
    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

All of these tubs have photos and pictures of some kind.....can you believe it?

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