Sunday, April 19, 2020

day 34

People be getting crazy out there

     I was confused when I saw pictures of people carrying assault type looking weapons at a protest about closings due to Covid. 
     Then I got to thinking of other things that might be weird, if you actually saw them.
     Potus reading a book.
     People wearing bra parts as face masks.
     Dogs with diapers.
     Airlines flying a route with only one passenger on board.
     An explanation of what whitelisting means when it pops up on a site with an   article I would like to read.
     T rex dinosaurs touching their faces during a pandemic.
     Driverless cars in a traffic circle.
     Square doughnuts.
     Something made in the USA.  Anything, actually.
     A ghost wearing a bedsheet with holes cut out for eyes.
     Seeing eye cats.
     Porcupines as comfort animals.
     A three dollar bill. 
     Triangular pizzas.
     Me smiling.
     Drive through funeral homes.
     An explanation why cough is spelled without an F.  Same with elephant.  And get the drift.  Kawf.  Lefant.  Tellafone.
     Recording radio programs you want to hear.
     Blind people doing a Zoom meeting with deaf people.
     Rich Nigerian cousins in my family. .long lost and now princes.
     I think I am done for tonight.
     Stay healthy.  Stay home.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

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