Tuesday, April 28, 2020

day 43

I am beginning to notice a pattern

     Have seldom left the property.  Have seldom driven.  Have not seen, in person, any friends, just one.
     I am cranky and  my pants keep falling down.
     I have at least 10 things to get done and I can't get them done because I am not motivated.
     I have gone through 3 bottles of wine.  My recycling buckets are full.
     I am constantly hungry and bored and I eat when I am both.
     Yet nothing tastes like I want it to taste.  I want it to have some spice, unlike our lives now.
     I have watched more videos on Facebook than I ever imagined I would watch.
I am not liking this and every day I feel like I am losing my sanity.
     Today I had a great conversation with Corki, who told me it was ok to poop in the yard.  I should carry bigger bags.  Our neighbors might be a little angry with me.  Corki thought it was funny.
     Four nights ago I walked out of the den and into the living room.  There was a huge spider on the wall.....the size of a basketball!  I went to get a flyswatter but when I got back, he had gone behind the picture above the couch.  I moved the picture and he came scurrying out faster than any spider I have ever seen.  I swatted at him, but I think I only got two of his 149 legs.  It went behind the couch.  I resorted to chemical warfare and sprayed insecticide under and behind the couch.
     It is either dead or greatly pissed.
     When I sit on the couch I am very jumpy.  If my hair moves I jump up and yell obscenities while doing a pseudo Irish jig.
     I know it's waiting.....just waiting....and waiting.
     Until it appears, I will stay on my toes.
     Stay healthy....stay safe...stay home...stay off my couch.
Peace and Love

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